Barton Announces Offices First-ever Public Corruption Division


District A)orney Ma)hew Barton announced today the crea5on of the first-ever Public Corrup5on Division within the office to build trust in those who hold office and ensure government is working for its intended purpose.

“Mississippians deserve to have confidence in those who we elect or are appointed to hold office. It will be my duty to ensure that confidence is maintained and those who use their posi5on of power for public gain are scru5nized and held accountable to taxpayers.” Said District A)orney Ma)hew Barton.

The newly created Public Corrup5on Division will focus on comba5ng government fraud, waste, bribery, and abuse that violates the law and undermines public trust. The division will also inves5gate businesses that deceive our ci5zens and steal their hard-earned money through complex financial schemes.

Public corrup5on may include, but is not limited to:

  • Bribery: The act of promising, giving, receiving, or agreeing to receive money or some other item ofvalue with the corrupt aim of influencing a public o9icial in the discharge of his o9icial duties.
  • Extor5on: The act of using one’s posi5on of power and influence to coerce another individual, public official or en5ty into providing money, goods, or services through in5mida5on or undue or illegal power.
  • Embezzlement: The misappropria5on of funds or resources intended for the opera5on for their office for their personal use or the benefit of others.
  • Fraud: Any activity that relies on deception in order to achieve a gain. Fraud becomes a crime when it is a “knowing misrepresentation of the truth or concealment of a material fact to induce another to act to his or her detriment”.If you know about a breach of trust and/or abuse of power by an elected, appointed, or hired public official, please contact our office or submit a complaint in wri5ng to the following address: District A)orney’s Office, A)n: Public Corrup5on Division, 365 Losher Street, Suite 210, Hernando, Mississippi 38632.
