DA’s Office Partners with ICE to Tackle Illegal Immigration and Public Safety


HERNANDO, MISS – Today, District Attorney Matthew Barton announced that his office has partnered with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to enforce state and federal immigration laws. This collaboration goes beyond policy; it is a legal obligation under state law that mandates full cooperation with federal authorities to ensure the swift deportation of illegal immigrants who pose a threat to our community.

The office is moving quickly. As of this morning, Miguel Godinez, who was charged in Southaven, is now in ICE custody and has initiated the deportation process.

In addition, the District Attorney’s Office is working diligently with ICE to facilitate the deportation of the remaining 13 other illegal immigrants, with immigration holds, currently housed in the DeSoto County Jail. These individuals, who have been charged with offenses ranging from DUI and drug-related crimes to child pornography, assault, and identity theft, hail from countries such as Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Mexico. Together, these individuals have accumulated a staggering 1,536 days in county jail, costing taxpayers roughly $184,320 (or about $120 dollars a day) in housing expenses alone, not including the additional costs related to prosecution.

 “This is another example of how illegal immigration effects law enforcement, the justice system and taxpayers. Every state is a border state now, creating significant issues for law enforcement everywhere. The border needs to be sealed,” said District Attorney Matthew Barton. “Our message is clear: we will not allow illegal aliens to undermine the safety and security of DeSoto County, period.”

The District Attorney’s Office recognizes the critical importance of a robust partnership with federal agencies like ICE. This collaboration not only aims to deport those who have committed heinous crimes but also to protect our community from further harm and prevent taxpayers from footing the bill for individuals who should not be in our country. 

“We are committed to protecting our community and ensuring that those who break our laws are found and are removed from our community. We will continue to work with ICE to ensure those illegal immigrants are sent back to their country of origin,” D.A. Barton added.


[1] Charges are merely allegations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.