Barton Announces Offices First-ever Public Corruption Division

District A)orney Ma)hew Barton announced today the crea5on of the first-ever Public Corrup5on Division within the office to build trust in those who hold office and ensure government is working for its intended purpose. “Mississippians deserve to have confidence in those who we elect or are appointed to hold office. It will be my duty… Continue reading Barton Announces Offices First-ever Public Corruption Division

Jury Selection Begins Today For Memphis Man Accused of Ambushing Southaven Police Officer

HERNANDO, MS – District Attorney Matthew Barton is pursuing a life sentence for the attempted murder of a Southaven Police Officer who was ambushed by Kyle Dodson of Memphis in the early hours of on March 22, 2023. A pool of jurors are expected to be selected Monday, and the trial could get underway as… Continue reading Jury Selection Begins Today For Memphis Man Accused of Ambushing Southaven Police Officer