Any details pertaining to the identity of an individual or group lodging a complaint are held in strict confidence by this Office and will not be disclosed, unless mandated by a judicial authority. Nevertheless, such information may be shared with other governmental agencies participating in the investigation process.

Attention: In order to preserve the confidentiality of investigations and complainants, The District Attorney’s Office will refrain from providing status updates and will neither confirm nor deny the existence of a complaint.  The Investigations Division is tasked with probing into instances involving the loss and misuse of state and local government funds and property.

Examples include:

  • Illegal activities impacting state or local governments, such as embezzlement, theft, fraud, and conflicts of interest.
  • Significant misuse or abuse of state or local government equipment or property.
  • Evident misuse of state or local government property, programs, or work time for personal benefit.
  • Severe misconduct by state or local government officials or employees, resulting in notable financial repercussions.
  • Instances of kickbacks or bribes to state or local government workers, officials, or vendors.

The Office does not handle inquiries related to:

  • Allegations or complaints lacking sufficient factual basis.
  • Allegations concerning personal federal or state tax fraud.
  • Improper actions by federal officials or those linked to federal programs not under state administration, such as federal income tax.
  • Inappropriate conduct by private entities not engaged in contracts with state or local governmental bodies.
  • Allegations against state or local officials concerning personal matters.
  • Errors made by state or local government employees.
  • Allegations involving imminent risk of bodily harm, such as child abuse or elder abuse.

To file a complaint, please use the form below:

Last Edited: April 8, 2024